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Petit jumbo

Legal notices

Terms and notices


This site is accessible at the URL address: (hereinafter the “ Site ”) and is intended to provide users with institutional information relating to ECM GROUP and links to the various websites of its subsidiaries.

The Site and its content have been created in accordance with the legislation applicable in France. Therefore, only the French version is authentic, even if the Site is accessible in other languages.




Simplified joint-stock company with capital of 38,154,974.20 euros

Head office: 109 rue Hilaire de Chardonnet – 38100 GRENOBLE (FRANCE)

SIREN : 880 360 425 R.C.S. GRENOBLE / APE : 70.22 Z

Intracommunity VAT: FR13880360425

Represented by its Chairman, Société LaMa (SARL with capital of 10,032,000 euros, registered under number 452 107 782 R.C.S ANNECY), itself represented by Mr Laurent PELISSIER.

Tel: 04 76 49 65 60

Contact e-mail:

Publication manager: Laurent PELISSIER




140, quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France

+33 (0)8 99 70 17 61



The trademarks and logos appearing on this Site are registered trademarks. Their mention in no way grants any license or right to use said trademarks, which may not be used without the prior written consent of ECM GROUP, under penalty of infringement.

The general structure, all information or documents as well as texts, animated or still images, sounds, graphics, downloadable documents, databases and any other element making up the Site are the exclusive property of ECM GROUP or its subsidiaries.

Any use or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the Site, its component parts and/or the information contained therein, by any means whatsoever, may constitute an infringement punishable under the French Intellectual Property Code and is strictly prohibited, unless expressly authorized in advance by ECM GROUP.

The names, trademarks, logos and signs (hereinafter the “ Distinctive Signs ”) cited or reproduced on this Site are the exclusive property of ECM GROUP or of third parties who have granted ECM GROUP rights of use, reproduction and/or representation. Their use for any purpose whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express prior authorization of the owner of the distinctive signs.

Documents, information, graphics, company names, logos, products, models, drawings and trademarks quoted and/or presented on the Site may not be copied except for strictly private purposes. Similarly, they may not be reproduced or modified in any way, whether in return for payment or free of charge, particularly for advertising purposes, without the express written authorization of ECM GROUP.



Pursuant to Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended by Law No. 2018-493 of June 20, 2018 and the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data No. EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, ECM GROUP as data controller, collects and processes your personal data for the following purposes :

  • Improve your customer experience;
  • Communicate and interact with you;
  • Provide you with products and services you have requested;
  • Send you personalized offers;
  • Fulfill a legal or contractual obligation;
  • Recontact you for a job interview.

In this context, ECM GROUP may directly collect the following categories of personal data :

Through our contact forms, we may collect the following personal data: surname, first names, company name, e-mail, telephone. We need this information in order to understand and process your request and provide you with a product or service tailored to your needs. In this way, we aim to improve your customer experience. If a contact request is deemed relevant, the sales assistant will transfer the request to the relevant sales person (by product line); if not, we will decline the request. Data is stored in a database accessible by the sales assistant. Data that has given rise to a response from us is entered into our CRM.

Through our recruitment forms, we may collect the following personal data: surname, first names, telephone number, e-mail address, covering letter, CV. Recruitment requests are processed by the HR department. If the C.V. is accepted, it is forwarded to the manager of the relevant department. If not, a negative reply is sent. In both cases, applications are archived in a database to which only the HR department has access.

If you give us your explicit consent (e.g. by ticking a box), we may collect the following personal information in order to send you automatic marketing e-mails: name, company name, e-mail address, telephone number.

The data is intended for ECM GROUP and may also be communicated to other Group entities, to departments in charge of newsletter management, to departments in charge of recruitment and to departments in charge of the technical management of the Site.

It may also be communicated to any administrative, judicial or supervisory authority that benefits from a right of communication based on a legislative provision within the framework of a French or European administrative or judicial procedure, at their request.
Personal data is kept by ECM GROUP for a period not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes specified above, increased where applicable by the statutory and regulatory periods in France and Europe.
In accordance with Applicable Regulations, and subject to the conditions laid down therein for the exercise of these rights, you are entitled to :

  • The right to access, rectify, delete and port your personal data;
  • the right to limit the processing of your personal data and to object to receiving commercial prospecting or to being profiled in connection with commercial prospecting. In certain cases, you may, for reasons relating to your particular situation, object to the processing of such data, including profiling;
  • The right to withdraw your consent for processing based on your consent;
  • the right to organize what happens to your personal data after your death.


The aforementioned rights may be exercised by contacting the ECM GROUP data controller at the following address: ECM GROUP – 109 rue Hilaire de Chardonnet – 38100 GRENOBLE or at the following e-mail address: